As 2019 gets underway we can reflect on a 2018 that brought some fascinating changes in the landscape of CX worldwide. Instead of seeing improvements around the globe, we have actually seen a dip in performance. It is clear that the majority of companies are still struggling to deliver CX Excellence. Failing to meet the ever-rising expectations of the customer.
As companies place significant investment in technology, it appears that many have lost focus on the one thing that can create a genuine connection with their customer better than anything else – the human touch.
In 2019 we see the need to find the right balance between technology and emotionally intelligent and empowered staff who truly understand the customer, can build rapport and are able to deliver heroic resolutions. We also see the importance of clear communication throughout companies, making sure every single employee understands and is on board with the customer promise.
Below, we have listed Seven Key CX trends for your company to focus on for 2019.
1. Getting the balance right between technology and people is critical
Technology definitely has a role to play in CX Excellence but it must add to the experience and it can’t be the only area of investment. Customers want the emotional connection. We predict a growth in investment in staff training and empowerment, focusing on emotional intelligence and experience rather than just service.
2. Businesses must have a clear customer promise
Customers do not tolerate over promising anymore. Trust has gone out the window. Honing in on a realistic customer promise will create a framework to deliver the experience your customers want. It will also be the foundation of your reputation. Honesty and transparency must be central to your promise. Use customer experience camps to develop your promise.
3. Agility will become a critical CX driver
Agile delivery across all channels will be critical to ensure CX Excellence and will become a key competitive differentiator. As customer expectations continue to rise, being able to quickly test, learn and revise will be the difference in getting and staying ahead of your competitors.
4. Silos will be removed
Human beings lie behind every great CX journey and CX champions know and leverage this. Companies need to breakdown internal silos and be structured around the customer with multi-functional teams focused on delivering CX Excellence. Culture, education and communication must be at the foundation of this business transformation.
5. The highly personal touch
More and more companies will design highly personal customer experiences to differentiate their business against competitor offerings, ensuring customers feel like important individuals with distinct needs and taste. Technology will support this by providing real-time customer insights to drive CX initiatives.
6. CX will become the recognised umbrella for business growth and cost savings
Shifting from a focus on short term profits to long term customer success is key. Senior management teams must understand that CX is a long-term programme that has no ‘quick fix’, but is the only way to differentiate their business.
7. The new method of customer acquisition
CX will help your company to not only retain your existing customers, it will also help you to acquire new customers. By delivering great experiences your existing customers will become advocates of your company. They will be so loyal, engaged and connected that they will sell on your behalf. Recommending you to family, friends and colleagues. CX turns your existing customers into sales people. This is the new method of customer acquisition.
While we have seen a dip in performance overall, this has left a huge opportunity for companies to improve and stand out from their competitors. Companies that will succeed are those that can break away from CX mediocrity and deliver a meaningful and consistent customer experience across all channels, while balancing the use of technology with the human touch.