User Interface (UI)
The User Interface includes all the parts of a website, app, computer, smartphone, etc. that the user can interact with. Display and touch screens, website menus, keyboards, your cursor – these are all part of a user interface.
A UI designer will take into consideration colour theory, graphic design rules and other important aspects when designing a website or an app. They will usually work in tandem with UX designers to create the best-looking and functional product.
User Experience (UX)
UX describes the emotions a person has when using a product or service online or using a device. UX Design is the practice of using design to improve communication between a product and its user in order to enhance the user’s overall experience. The user experience forms part of the overall Customer Experience.
UX focuses on the journey the user is taking through the use of the product. It keeps the user at the centre of all decisions, ensuring that the journey is ubiquitous to their life. The design process needs to take into account the level of computer literacy of the user as well as how the user interacts with the app or website.
The goal of a UX designer is to reduce the chance of the user getting frustrated and walking away from the product or service before completing the process of a purchase or sign-up.